Sevilla, Spain

Av. Del Greco refurbishment works


Empresa Metropolitana de Abastecimiento y Saneamiento de Aguas de Sevilla, S.A. (EMASESA)



Total area

8.400 m²

Key features

Avenida del Greco, in the San Pablo-Santa Justa District of Seville, was renewed to optimise environmental, urban, health and social parameters within the water cycle. This project aims to completely modify the landscape of this avenue, making it “greener, healthier and more human”, with water being the key element when integrating Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS).

The drainage system was designed to capture and filter runoff from sidewalks and roadways through permeable pavements, rain gardens, and bioretention areas. Subsequently, the runoff is conveyed through filter drains and stored in two harvesting tanks, which can accumulate up to 115 m³ of water that can be used for irrigation purposes.

The hydrological-hydraulic model, carried out using the specialised software MicroDrainage, shows that the SuDS system reduces in approximately 67% the peak flow discharged for the 15-year return period design storm compared to a conventional drainage system.


  • Technical support in the definition of sustainable urban drainage techniques to be incorporated at the concept design, and hydraulic calculations during the project preparation.
  • Technical assistance during the construction of the drainage system through SuDS.
  • Monitoring strategy proposal.
  • Development of the Sustainable drainage system model (as built) and hydrological-hydraulic modelling with the specialized software MicroDrainage.